Same boat here. I have kept my membership up, but life got into the way. I would be back on in a flash if there were an AO-10 or Oscar 100.
I spent many hours and many kilobucks in gear on the old linear birds and enjoyed it. But fighting the QRM on an FM LEO to talk with someone down the road for 5 minutes is not worth the bother.
The problem is nobody has stepped up and said we could do an OSCAR 100 for $10 million so that folks can dig into their pockets.
And with the US ITAR we have alienated the rest of the globe where big donations might come from. How many AMSAT members? That is the denominator. $10 million/x
"In full disclosure, I have not operated satellite in about 15 years. Several reasons for that, but I'm coming back. After what seems like almost every new satellite was a LEO digital bird, we have gotten a number of analog birds in the past couple years. I've got some work to do to get the station back up, but I'm spending money to do that. That includes re-joining AMSAT-NA after a quite a few year gap.
And no, I can't write the 10 million dollar check either...