After seeing the recent post by Drew about interference from AO-51 on 145.880 coming from a Louisville repeater, as the president of the ham club in Louisville, I forwarded the posting from Drew out to the membership.
Here is some info I received from some members:
I listened to the audio track. The call letters of the interfering signal is KB4PTJ. This repeater is located in Shelbyville, KY and operates on 444.050 TX/449.050RX with a PL of 91.5, and is associated with its companion repeater located in Williamsburg, KY (also 444.050/PL 100.0) and linked via the Internet to several repeaters around the eastern US. I know of one in Virginia and another in New Jersey.
The owner is: Will Jones, a HVAC contractor who lives in the Williamsburg/Corbin area. He may well be interested that his repeater audio is interfering with the AO-51 Satellite. Will is very knowledgeable and would want to do right by the situation.
My guess, is that since this is a 70cm repeater, the chances of it actually emitting on 145mhz are pretty slim. My bet is on a rouge cross-band repeater by someone who picked a 'clear frequency'.
I have been monitoring the frequency and it seems quiet. If it comes up again we can organize a foxhunt to locate and educate the owner.
After seeing the recent post by Drew about interference from AO-51 on 145.880 coming from a Louisville repeater, as the president of the ham club in Louisville, I forwarded the posting from Drew out to the membership mailing list.
Here is some info I received from some club members in response:
I listened to the audio track. The call letters of the interfering signal is KB4PTJ. This repeater is located in Shelbyville, KY and operates on 444.050 TX/449.050RX with a PL of 91.5, and is associated with its companion repeater located in Williamsburg, KY (also 444.050/PL 100.0) and linked via the Internet to several repeaters around the eastern US. I know of one in Virginia and another in New Jersey.
The owner is: Will Jones, a HVAC contractor who lives in the Williamsburg/Corbin area. He may well be interested that his repeater audio is interfering with the AO-51 Satellite. Will is very knowledgeable and would want to do right by the situation.
My guess, is that since this is a 70cm repeater, the chances of it actually emitting on 145.880 mhz are pretty slim. My bet is on a rouge cross-band repeater by someone who picked what they thought was a 'clear frequency'.
I have been monitoring the frequency here in Louisville and it seems quiet now. If it comes up again we can organize a foxhunt to track it down and educate the owner.
--- Don Hoover [email protected] President, Amateur Radio Transmitting Society of Louisville