Myself and another operator from our club are making a trip to Pensacola this Thursday and Friday to activate Gulf Islands National Seashore for NPOTA, in EM60. While we are in the area, Thursday evening (12/01) we are going to make an excursion into MS to operate sats from EM50 and 51. If I can find a spot, I'll try and be on the 51/50 line. The current plan is to get there around 2200z and operate several linear passes, staying around until the 0200z SO-50 pass to cover the FM only guys.
EM51/50 is the primary grid goal this trip, along with the HF park activation. Other grid stops may be possible on the trip to/from Pensacola, so if anyone needs anything in the I-10 corridor, let me know and I'll try to accommodate :)
Stay tuned on Twitter @kk4fem, and APRS as KK4FEM-5.
- Matthew KK4FEM
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