Hi Michael!
I am having a problem hearing the downlink of any SSB satellites on 440.
It is 21:10 UTC and I just finished trying to work FO-29 from CN87 (20:59 to 21:17), and again no luck. I sent my call out on 145.950, but nothing back. Checked the ARRL satellite tracking site and it appears I have the correct keps installed. I went outside and checked the bearing of the antenna. Seems ok.
FO-29 is currently off. Since it was the only current SSB/CW satellite with a 70cm downlink, we will have to hope that FO-29 can be reactivated in the near future. Otherwise, there's VO-52 with a 2m downlink and AO-7 with its alternating 2m and 10m downlinks if you're trying to work SSB, or you can try for the transponder on ARISSat-1 (70cm up/2m down).
If you want to work FM, you have AO-51 as well as AO-27 (afternoon passes only) and SO-50 that are available - all with 70cm downlinks.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/