I had two passes of ARISSat today over New Hampshire. The first one, I only caught the tail end and got a Kursk frame or 2, but no satellite telemetry. The second one I had nice and strong as soon as it appeared above the horizon, but it must have been in low power mode. The transmission cut off cleanly (no fade). Then shortly afterwards it came on again and cut off again. I should have timed them but did not. I had 3 periods of reception during the pass. Unfortunately, none was long enough to let the telemetry decoder get a frame.
Farrell, were you sending SSTV to the transponder around 1630Z? It did look like SSTV on the spectrum diagram but it was not doppler synchronized, so it was drifting even when I synchronized. It also disappeared long before my pass was over, as I would have expected if the source were way west of me.
Burns, W2BFJ