I posted this to various groups and individual’s a few days ago….
+I’ve been trying without success to get my 9100 working with HS-Soundmodem and EasyTerm. Everything +seems to be working except the PTT. I’m receiving data, and passing it along via ports 8000 and 8001, but +cannot get the PTT to work via the USB assigned com port. Thinking there is an issue with my 9100 I +configured it for WSJT-X via DXLab and it is running FT8 fine, no PTT issues. Does anyone have their 9100 +working with Soundmodem or HS-Soundmodem and can send me their settings? Thanks….
Andy, UZ7HO suggested that I use John G8BPQ’s program called CAT7200. This allows programs that can’t handle the RTS from Icom CI-V PTT command. I was blissfully unaware of this issue as I run my only other data setups like WSJT-X using DXLab as a go between, Dave does a great job with DXLab. I now have everything talking except SatPC32.
I tried several different things, like setting up another application port in CAT7200, and also using VspMgr to try and split the port. No matter what I do SatPC32 will not control the radio, using the comport from either app. I’m getting close to getting this to work. Any suggestions on how to setup SatPC32?
73 Jeff kb2m