Sadly, in my experience, only Yaesu will service them. YMMV.
On the other hand, my experience with having Yaesu service a G-1000SDX rotator was positive, so I'm not knocking them per se, just saying I have not found anyone else who will touch them. I had used some mounting screws that were too long, and when fully inserted, they broke off some bits of metal from inside of the housing casting, which found their way into the gears, and cause them to self-destruct pretty badly. Got it back from Yaesu service and it has worked fine ever since.
73 de W0JT wrote:
I recently picked up a G5400B AZ-EL rotor unit, which had been down on ground for sometime. I recall it had been stored upside down outdoors. When I got it home and hooked it up in the shop, the Azmiuth rotor was stuck, but some manual help, broke whatever was stuck loose and it started to operate, even abit noisy. The Elevation rotor is nice and quiet and works fine. I notice now, after being used for afew weeks, that the noise is getting more pronounced and also the meter indicator flickers, so I suspect water probably got into the unit.
Who does repair work on these rotors? I dont dare try it myself, as I know I would end up with extra parts at the end of the day, even working in a tub. So, would appreciate any help in finding a business that repairs these Yaesu rotors..
John W6ZKH