[email protected] wrote:
As much as I too feel his comments are sometimes ill timed junque.....I also perceive a difference of language and other cultural differences.
I cannot tell you have many times I've wanted to tell this entire AMSAT group to get lost. You mention Luc as one example.....there are many others out there on this list who feel nothing of putting a person down form making a well intended comment, or who feel their knowlege is so superior that the person needing help is put down into the dirt. It is not entirely unusual to read an idiotic posting from someone in the "management" chain of AMSAT. How about years ago when the great master James told someone to leave AMSAT or that we would be better of without him.
Finally, if freedom of expresson is not valid here, please let me know.
Gary Memory, N7BRJ
Original Message:
From: Robert Davies [email protected] Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 21:06:05 -0500 To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Petition to block Luc from the -bb
I propose that all who are tired of this individual poisoning what is otherwise a peaceful and productive environment with his abusive and slanderous posts against an organization that I for one am proud to be part of and will continue to support. Sign this petition or make it be known in some fashion that you are tired of this kind of behavior and that Luc Leblanc VE2DWE be blocked from the AMSAT and all affiliated -bb systems.
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
1.Robert Davies
I'm all about freedom of expression and speech but if want to have a place to rant then create one so the rest of us don't have to be force fed this crap.