27 Mar
27 Mar
12:27 p.m.
As seen on his Twitter feed earlier today, KG5CCI has announced plans to visit some grids in the upper EM3x field over the weekend and operate satellites:
EM36 AO73 03-29-15 1619Z EM37 FO29 03-29-15 2052Z EM38 FO29 03-29-15 2237Z EM38 SO50 03-29-15 2313Z EM38 SO50 03-30-15 0152Z EM37 FO29 3-30-15 1959Z EM36 FO29 3-30-15 2142Z EM35 SO50 3-30-15 2338Z
He stated some of these were work-schedule-dependent.
Good luck & 73 Clayton W5PFG