The ADIF file must contain the PROP_MODE set to "SAT". If it isn't there it won't count as a satellite QSO and you will get no confirmations. Also, SAT_NAME must be as TQSL has defined the satellite name or else it won't upload.
Here is what our QSO looks like as I uploaded it to LOTW:
Call:5K4MIA <QSO_Date:8>20180430 <Time_On:6>030900 Band:470CM Mode:2FM OPERATOR:4NR0T <Prop_Mode:3>SAT <RST_Sent:2>59 <RST_Rcvd:2>59 <SAT_NAME:5>AO-92 <eor>
You may have more than that, depending on the software you use. Send me what you have for a QSO and I will take a look at it. Note that the number after the field name indicates how many characters are in the data field.
So <Time_On:6> means that you are sending six characters for time: 030900 If you had <Time_On:4> , then the time would be passed as 0309 Note that your callsign and location info are defined in TQSL and not in the ADIF file. I believe that OPERATOR:4NR0T is optional.
73 Rolf NR0T Grid EN34