There is a lot of info about the design of the Fox satellites in past year Symposium proceedings. (Available now on a flash drive from the AMSAT store.)
As to predictions, I can tell you that we are quite surprised at the temperatures and the Mems Gyro output (see my paper about the mems gyro on the Symposium drive). Most everything else we had plenty of experience with (voltage, current etc) in the lab and there were no big surprises there. As to the radiation experiment, that's for Vanderbilt to say, and they have published several papers about it. Links might have been posted in FB or here. You can search the AMSAT FB page, and you should be able to get at the archives of this BB as well.
Not detailed info here, but maybe giving you some ideas where to look.
BTW, have you found the graphing and measurement capability in FoxTelem? It's pretty cool! You can also download all the historical data (look under the 'files' menu) from the AMSAT server and get that graphed.
Burns WB1FJ
On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 6:14 PM Colin Zylka via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I’m a new user of Fox Telem, and was wondering where I could find information on interpreting the results of the telemetry I’m decoding. For example, I’m looking for information on what the measurements mean. How do they compare to the engineering predictions? Where can I find information on the spacecraft construction?
Colin K7VIZ _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: