Hi All,
Thanks for your support of the teachers institutes in Sacramento and Dayton last week. Next week is my turn in Newington. For those wanting a contact with W1AW, I will be testing my portable set up for the TI on Sunday July 22 during the 1741Z pass of AO27 in the League parking lot with call W1AW. After the contact, if you would like a card, send me an e-mail to my address below and I'll take care of it. I'd appreciate it if you could give us some demonstration contacts on Tuesday July 24 during the 1824Z pass of AO27. The TI curriculum is packed full of activities, therefore I can only spare that time for the satellite demonstrations.
Mark Spencer, WA8SME
Education and Technology Program Director
ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM
43 Pinelock Dr.
Gales Ferry, CT 06335
860-460-1139 (cell)