Hi All,
I could possibly be seen as slightly biased but i agree with Edson!
I have tried a number of other SDRs (including an early LIme) and for satellite work, unless you need more than 192kHz bandwidth, the FCD+ still gets my vote. Its filtering is robust in almost any high QRM environment and it even seems to magically survive the odd unintentional burst of RF transmitted directly into it.
On 14/08/2017 21:08, Edson W. R. Pereira wrote:
Rick's list is very good. I would also add LimeSDR as a good candidate (I don't yet own one).
I have been using the RTL-SDR (original black one with the R820T chip), RTL-SDR (Nooelec metal case with R820T2), RTL-SDR (blue with TCXO and R820T2), Funcube Dongle Pro, Funcube Dongle Pro+ (FCD+) and SDRPlay RSP2. The RTLs are "ok" for casual testing and signal hunting -- specially on the bench. But their limited dynamic range, lack of band-pass filtering, high noise figure and low ADC bit depth prevent using them in any serious activity. I do however use the Nooelec for some 10 GHz experimentation (with a LNBF). For monitoring satellites on VHF/UHF, I find the FCD+ the best performer. The filtering, dynamic range and sensitivity is quite good. The SDRPlay is also a very good performer, but it requires some careful adjustments to perform as well as the FCD+.
73, Edson PY2SDR
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Andrew Rich [email protected] wrote: