Really nice meeting you at the Symposium along with all the other great folks in attendance.
After attending the Symposium, like you, I too came away with the strong feeling that the Eagle team will listen to legitimate concerns and that they presented and approved an Eagle satellite system that I now can "fully" support.
This -bb will likely recognize me as one of several who has been vocal about trying to counter the strong negative feelings held my some members of Eagle team about our L and S band satellite frequency allocations.
While I have said that I agree with the future potential for problems in these bands, I felt there we can finds ways to mitigate the impacts - and that feeling hasn't changed. In fact, at the conference, there were presentations by IARU and ARRL representatives that said if we don't occupy and utilize our allocations, both amateur and amateur satellite on VHF to microwave, we will "surely" lose them.
Well - - - - I am very pleased to note, if you haven't seen the release yet, that Eagle will be including a linear L band up and S band down mode.
I'd like to think that the comments and debate held here on the -bb might have had some influence on this decision and would like to thank the many for participating in the discourse - both pro and con.
Some features of the satellite, namely the ACP (Advanced Communication Package), which are the digital modes, will likely cause some gas pains for many who might not yet understand or appreciate the reasoning for them (I WAS ONE). The concern for the added "potential" for the complexity and reliability of this new mode was raised from the floor during the General Meeting. I can tell you the team convinced me through their responses that while the satellite business is by its nature very risky, they are fully aware of that fact and will be designing and testing to reduce the potential for "failure."
We will "all" have the opportunity to review and critique the designs as they evolve through Eaglepedia - - unlike any other prior satellite building project. I'm also convinced that the Eagle team will respect and give consideration to all of us who wish to act as "peer reviewers" and present constructive opinions and suggestions.
So lets get on with the business of building Eagle and getting it launched.
Oh yah - - - as Eric points out, VOTE yes - if you can accept this new proposed Eagle satellite - by sending in any donations you can live with.
Regards...Bill - N6GHz
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Eric H. Christensen Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 9:50 AM To: Subject: [amsat-bb] Eagle's New Design
I have to say that I have been very critical of the Eagle development team with their plans for the bird. At the time I did not agree with their recommendations nor did I agree with their decisions. I WAS WRONG.
While I am quite relieved with the new plan for Eagle, which includes a linear transponder for V/U and L/S along with the new digital "Advanced Communications Payload", there is no excuse for my previous words. Contrary to popular belief, the satellite builders and the Eagle team are not out to just build whatever they want but rather to build what will work. There is no way that they would spend the many hours it takes to build all the pieces and parts it takes to make a satellite to send up something that no one will use or that won't work.
I don't know if EaglePedia has been updated with the latest and greatest information but I was very impressed with Bob McGwier's presentation on the latest configuration of Eagle. If you weren't able to attend the annual symposium then please keep an eye out on the website ( for the latest and greatest information on the project. Take a look at the new information and then make sure you let everyone know that you support Eagle by going to and donating. It is very important that we all pitch in and help fund this project so that construction can move forward. From my understanding, we raised quite a bit of money at the symposium but we need more. Help the amateur satellite community and join the President's Club and/or donate directly to the Eagle project. It is the future of our community.
73s, Eric KF4OTN
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