At 12:42 PM 1/10/2011 -0800, wrote:
Problem is Damon, is that some of the worse offenders are guys who've been around ever since I have been. Everyone out to get that elusive Grid Square that they've worked a zillion times before. I too did the same as you, and pretty much void the FM'er anymore, unless something special comes up.
For another 2 cents worth: (I know I'll get flamed) If there is some station announcing here on the BB that they are going to a special grid location that is rare or needed by someone, then give them and others a break. Namely, if he or even any other station that is working Portable or HT status, work him, then QRT, and leave the freq for others. 'Hogging' the channel, working or calling the same old station you've worked a zillion times before and not letting others work the Portable/HT stations, just to satisfy your QSO count for more wallpaper just doesnt hack it, in my opinion. end of rant & extinguisher in hand.............
You won't get flamed by everyone, I'll join ya in the fire.
How many times do they actually have to work the SAME grid before it finally counts? LOL
I don't join in but I listen. It's kind of like listening to CB.