Here is a tidbit of news from the DARC DX Newsletter, DXNL 1999 - July 27, 2016 which is more timely now rather than waiting for the weekend ANS Bulletins.
RSGB IOTA Contest 2016, July 30-31 ----------------------------------
The upcoming weekend sees this year's edition of the IOTA contest, organised by the RSGB. For rules and a list of participating stations see: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2016/riota.shtml http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/iota2016.html
The Maranhao State East group: Anselmo/PS8AB, Joao/PS8PY, Ronaldo/PS8RV, Fernando/PU8PSF and PU8RZB will activate Ilha das Canarias (DIB MA-03, WW Loc. GI97bf, SA-072) as ZY8DIG on HF, 2 meters and satellite, and use the call ZY8D during the contest. QSL for both calls via PS8RV
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]