----- Original Message ----- From: "Ing. Pavel Milanes Costa" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 3:20 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: CO7WT on SO-50... successful try !!!
Yesterday evening I get hands on the tools and eyes on the gear, and manage to deduce a procedure to adjust the sensitivity of my RX rig...
This was great, just with a Digital Multimeter measuring the noise level at the RSSI on the FI IC of the radio I squeezed the sensitivity of the rig to it's maximum... (from 0.45 v at the original setting to 1.1 v whit my setting)
There has to be a more efficient ways, buy whit the tools on my hand this is the only way...
Hi Costa,
Without using a Noise Generator in front of your RX and without switching it ON and OFF, tuning the front end circuit of your receiver for maximum swing of the noise level on the Digital Multimeter, it is possible that your actual 1.1 volt is corresponding to maximum gain and before the original 0.45 volt was corresponding correctly to minimum Noise Figure and so to maximum sensitivity.
In a separate email I have sent to you the schematic diagram of a very simple diode Noise Generator.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico