Hi Dave,
Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, I completed the website Volunteer form only to hit submit and find the link was broken, I tried again and got the same result so I reported the broken link and then passed all my Volunteer details on to an AMSAT Board member. That really must have been about a year ago. I could probably offer (315) Telemetry Retrieval, (520) Help with the AMSAT Journal, and also the following headings as per the Volunteer web page:-
550 552 557 580 590 595 600 610 620 630
My Operating interests are:
400 410 440 - (I was part of a team that produced a successful ARISS school contact) 480 499
I come from an Investment Banking background so on that basis I could offer accounting/bookkeeping services. I can also offer (limited) web design or web maintenance skills etc.
When I got back from Dayton this year I spoke with Patrick (WD9EWK) about becoming an Area Coordinator (552) and he provided me with the name of the Board Member to whom I should address my request. That e-mail went out on June 19th to two senior members plus Patrick - no response.
Ho hum!