Sil, et al:
Thank you for the help. I see that a terminal program was necessary to UPLINK. Got it. I downloaded the UISS, and it seems VERY user friendly.
I am actually excited to try this mode. I have noticed, as least as far as the ISS is concerned, that the signal is exceptionally strong for a "satellite". Even when I'm off frequency a bit, Packet Engine Pro can still copy the downlink.
Finally, I just want to pass along my experience this morning. I wake up every morning at 0600 EST. As I was walking (rather...hobbling) down my stairs, I heard Orbitron give the beep-tone...letting me know that a sat was near. So, I sat in my chair, and turned the Vista Machine's monitor on. And...it was the ISS. Coming for an ALMOST 90 degree pass. So...hooked up the audio cable to the headphone jack....and copied the packet bursts. At almost 90....I ran outside, and I could see it fly across the sky, as the sun was coming up.
THAT was really cool. Makes me proud that I have tried something new in Ham Radio that is SO MUCH fun.
73s all.