9 May
9 May
5:19 p.m.
I just wanted to update my comment about only being able to control only one Icom radio with SatPC32 without the proper Icom CI-V deely! Both Tim and Stan sent me e-mails and I then entered into e-mail correspondence with Erich.
After visiting CellPhone Shack, (sorry "RadioShack"), I purchased a splitter and then connected the 706MKIIG and the 910 and changed the CI-V addresses in SatPC32 and yes, I now have control of both radio's from SatPC32 which means that I can uplink on 2m using the 706 when AO-51 is in v/s mode and also receive on 10m using the 706 for AO-7 in Mode A.
Yet another addition to my long line of recommendations for the use of SatPC32!
David - KG4ZLB wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Well I am sure that my set-up is very similar to a lot of other op's
> on this board but here goes!
> 1) Radio is an Icom 910HX, Rotator is the G5500 and SatPC32 to do the
> tracking!
> Why SatPC32? Because its a dedicated program that does exactly what it
> says on the tin (unlike Ham Radio Deluxe which is a jack of all trades
> and master of none, IMHO, and still has Icom issues), has great
> customer service, all sale proceeds go to AMSAT and a lot of people on
> the BB use it so there is no shortage of help when needed (Thanks to
> Alan, WA4SCA!)
> 2) Interface between 910 and PC is a CI-V clone cable available on
> e-bay for less than $20
> 3) Interface between PC and G5500 is an LVB Tracker - why?
> Again, profits to AMSAT, super after sales service, it works and works
> well and it really looks nice in my shack! If you have the money then
> sure, go buy the Yeasu alternative but you can buy an awful lot of
> other goodies with the change that an LVB will give you!
> 4) Because I do not have the "proper" Icom CI-V unit, I can only
> control one radio at a time with SatPC32 so when AO-51 is in Mode S, I
> use the 910 for the receive side allowing SatPC 32 to calculate the
> doppler. For transmitting, say on 2m (When in Mode V/S) I use my Icom
> 706MKIIG and just leave the transmit frequency alone - works like a
> charm. When AO-51 is in Mode L/S then SatPC32 can do everything I need
> through the 910. The 706 is only used when Mode S is on as it ties up
> the 2m band.
> 5) 1.2Ghz antenna is the helical antenna built and sold by Bob, W7LRD
> - its solid, performs excellently, Bob is on hand in the event of
> problems and he donates 20% of each sale to AMSAT.
> 6) Currently I have a BBQ dish feeding a downconverter but I spoke to
> Bob (W7LRD) about ordering a 2.4ghz helical antenna which will replace
> the BBQ dish as its rather heavy and cumbersome. but again, it works
> and as I paid $15 for it and the downconverter, I really can't
> complain. But with Dayton next week, I am saving my pennies so I will
> order the antenna when I get back.
> Now one thing that I did not see on your list was pre-amps!
> Again in my opinion, you really can not do without them. A lot of
> people will steer you towards SSB Electronics or ARR as sources and
> yes, they are great pre-amps but if you are putting a station together
> and you have the 910 have a think about the much maligned Icom
> pre-amps - yes, I know they do not publish noise figures and everyone
> says they are crap etc, etc but you can not blow them up by
> transmitting through them, they do not need a separate DC feed, they
> are readily available and they do work. Last evening I had an SO-50 15
> degree pass out over the Atlantic and I worked a station and then
> turned the pre-amp off afterwards and I could not hear him. That
> pre-amp made the difference between a successful QSO or not one at all.
> Now I know that people reading this will say, "hang on, 15 degrees,
> why the big problem?" but let me explain that currently I live in an
> HOA community that does not like you painting the front door or
> changing the brand of toilet tissue without having written permission
> from the Board of very old people with far too much time on their
> hands. So my antennas are probably no more than 6 feet off of the
> ground within the confines of a pool cage. Whilst that sounds very
> restrictive, and to an extent it is, I work all of the analogue birds,
> the ISS and I get pictures from the weather sats. Last month I worked
> 171 stations. So it can be done.
> I hope that some of the above is of use, if you want any pictures of
> what I have here then please e-mail me off the BB and I would be happy
> to send you some.
> 73's for now
> David