A concerned satellite enthusiast wrote:
"it's a horrid
marketing decision. Bad mojo for a organization that
lives on the donations
of it's members."
I've been around hamsats long enough now (>16 years) to vividly remember how the AMSAT movers and shakers bludgeoned us over Mode B, which we operators desperately wanted as primary on AO-40, but we were told, no, we have to move higher to Mode S.
Now that many of us made the investment in Mode S and learned the technology, now that also is into the trash barrell because the techies have determined that it's too noisy.
Gentlemen, the point is that the designers and engineers are running the program just as they always have and us users don't count for much except our donations. I'm sorry if this comes off as sour grapes but hell, I've been there, done that.
Jim Kelly, KK3K Former member AMSAT #22420
Jim Kelly, ARS KK3K, TCA 99-49842 TINPLATE TIMES http://www.tinplatetimes.com STANDARD GAUGE LIST http://groups.yahoo.com/group/standg Personal Homepage: http://mysite.verizon.net/skeptic491
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