Hi Tim!
Looks like you had plenty of QSOs to demonstrate at the Scottsdale Hamfest today. Great copy!
The hamfest site was on the east side of the Phoenix metro area, with some mountains only a few miles to the east. The 1445 UTC AO-51 pass was low at 11 degrees maximum elevation, and I had some difficulty getting through, but it was nice to hear you and it appears your satellite station is making great progress.
I still have to go through the audio recordings from yesterday and update my log, but I know we had lots of activity on those two passes. A couple of Mexicans, a maritime-mobile station in the eastern Pacific, and lots of US stations from all across the country. We were also visited by FM satellite "regulars" Ron W6ZQ from southern Arizona and Brock W6GMT as he heads out to Minnesota for the next few months. Brock stuck around the AMSAT table for much of the morning, talking with me and my two partners at the table (Gerry VE4GTB/KD7MDB, Larry W7LB) and also answer questions from those wandering by.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/