There is one other GEO (possible AMSAT related) project going on. That is the OUTERNET satellites. These are 6 GEO birds covering the entire globe that anyone can build a downlink-only receiver using a Rasberry-PI, a 1m dish, an LNB and a DSP dongle to receive the free content. Their mission is to deliver WEB content (one way) to anyplace on Earth. Their satellites exist and are working...
The news is that the content provider is willing to carry ham radio content too..
We are proposing to make the "system" two-way for hams by having the OUTERNET content provider tap into the APRS-Internet system and look for amateur radio related OUTERNET traffic. This way, any ham radio operator on earth can originate traffic into the APRS-IS system marked-for OUTERNET either by any of the existing APRS digipeater birds, or terrestrial IGates, or HF Igates and that traffic will get into the system and into the OUTERNET downlink.
Hence, a 2-way system for hams and ham-wannabees.
All the pieces are there... we are just trying to see how it could be used... Again, the remote-user can only originate single packet like content due to the extremely small APRS input pipe. But the remote user can Recceive the entire GLOBAL feed of APRS internet traffic... SO how to use that very unbalanced 2-way pipe is the area that is ripe for exploration.
Here are the thoughts so far.. http://aprs.org/outnet.html
-----Original Message----- From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Paul Stoetzer Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] GEO sats and the future
Just to summarize - right now, there are three serious HEO/GEO projects in progress:
1. Phase 4A is the S/X linear transponder payload on the Qatari Es'HailSat-2 scheduled to launch late this year. AMSAT-DL has done the work on the amateur payload. It will be in a geostationary orbit that is not visible to North America (26 degrees east). 2. Phase 4B is a planned C/X digital payload on a U. S. government satellite launching in the next few years. AMSAT-NA and Virginia Tech are involved with this. It will be in a geosynchronous, but not geostationary orbit over the Western Hemisphere. 3. Phase 3E in a Molniya HEO orbit. AMSAT-NA and Virginia Tech are involved with this. Transponder payloads TBD.
A global network of 3 linked geostationary satellites covering the whole world would be pretty neat, but I think we'll need people to see what we as a community can do with each of the two Phase 4 transponders planned right now before the support (read $$$$$) for such a thing would be available.
73, Paul, N8HM