13 Jul
13 Jul
5:22 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 05:56:27AM -0500, Nick Pugh wrote:
Hi Group I am looking for a shareware program to record audio that is controlled by time. Or maybe a script that would call a program to recorder and exit that program set by time.
On FreeBSD, just use rec, part of the sox collection. In fact, that is what I use to record qso's on the sats. Easy to run it as a cron job or at.
http://www.db.net/hamfreesbie/HamFreeSBIE might be of interest to some hams on here. A complete HamRadio oriented plug in and play CD including some satellite utilities.
- 73 Diane VA3DB -- - db@FreeBSD.org db@db.net http://www.db.net/~db