I am an old ham but new to satellite operations and I’m building a ground station for a local middle school.
I fully support AMSAT and this BBS. I have been on this BBS for a few months now looking for information that I could use. I’ve gotten good responses to my specific questions, but as a resource for newbies, I find it lacking. This BBS seems to me more of a “chat line” than a store house of knowledge.
I would like to suggest that AMSAT create a forum that keeps up to date info on specific subjects such as active satellites, specific satellites (and their quirks), basic info for newbies, product reviews, volunteer Elmers, homebrew projects, buy/sell/trade, etc. In this way, the accumulated knowledge is stored and searchable and not tossed into the recycle bin.
I would also like to suggest that AMSAT survey its members to get some real data on their thoughts rather than just having an open ended discussion.
Thanks for listening.
Butch K8KO