5 Apr
5 Apr
12:42 p.m.
I have installed tripod, g-5500, mast, and rest of antenna gear on my roof. However, I still need to do the coax runs now.
I have not done this before, but have a box of coax ready to go. My question is, I assume you want to run an individual line for each antenna right?
In other words, I want a 50ft run for VHF, a 50ft run for UHF, a 50ft run of hardline for 1.2ghz and a 50ft run for 2.4ghz with down converter?
Run these all into a box on the tripod I assume where the preamps will go?
Then do I need power to the pre-amp box for the preamps or can I power them all via the coax? I have the downconverter also to power. Just trying to figure out the best way.
Pictures, thoughts and comments of best method would be great.
Thanks, Mike Kb8zgl