Greetings. Ok so this issue gets revisited every few months or so-- as it seems. I have a nice list of many fully duplex VHF/UHFradios-- I forget who put together-- that list is taped to the wall next to my station. This comes in handy for shopping on eham, ebay, etc. However, I am wondering if it needs some updating. No clue here. Maybe it is current. Ok well almost. I know it does not list the new Alinco DJ-G7. Ok so the main reason for the post is first to ask (for the hums): does the Kenwood TH-F6A operate in fully duplex mode? the reviews on eham were not exactly clear on this point. If so, then any peculair problems SO
The second reason for this post is to ask if anyone perhaps has a more up to date/complete list of truly duplex radios (ie, can do sat work!) ;-)
Thanks and 73s
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