Hi all,
Hereby my first mail on this BB. I want to start with satellite communication. I already build an eggbeater antenna, but togheter with my TS2000 i receive only very poor signals. To work more comfotable, i want to build two yagi antennas (one for 2m and one for 70cm) with an azimuth/elevation rotor system.
For the 2m version, I took the following design of DK7ZB as a start: http://www.qsl.net/dk7zb/start1.htm -> 144MHz yasis -> 6 El-28-Ohm (2m60). Because I want to tune this antenna to the upper side of the 2m band (I had 145.800MHz as center frequency in mind), I entered the data of this yagi in MMANA GAL, a free NEC program (http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/mmana/). After Calculation, i got totally diferent results as on the DK7ZB website.
Please find the MMANA file as an attachment on this mail. What am i doing wrong?
Bert - ON4DMD