Relooking at the schematic with my readers on I see there are 2 regulators. One for the op amps and one for the voltage that goes to the control pots. On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 08:35:59 PM EDT, jeff griffin via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Here's what I'm going to do. I think the one I'm working on is some kind of modified unit. About 10 years ago or so in Florida I was given 5 complete Yaesu G-5500 rotor sets to try and repair in a short time. I think the complete rotor assembly's were from an AMSAT pacsat control station that just flat out wore out rotor assembly's on a monthly basis. I managed to get two of them working. I think this is one of them. Now as I live in three different places it sometimes gets confusing on what came from where, and when. At my QTH here in NJ the one I'm working on is serial number 41820026. The spare one I have here is serial number 20460047. The unit I'm working on had some damage in the area of the LM7806, there is a jumper wire installed due to a damaged trace on the board. There was an LM7812 installed where there was supposed to be a LM7806. This all being said I think I might just try to swap the good power supply from the unit I'm working on to the unit with the bad power supply. So. I'm now looking on a procedure on how to test the main power transformer , I will also look into Q1003 and Q1004, someway to test? All I want to do is get back on the air. Thanks again for all the suggestions...
73 Jeff kb2m
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