Hi Zach...
Amateurs have worked very hard to remain responsible for their own emissions.
The need for 100 watts for your application aside, you can use any transmitter/amplifier you want as long as it's output is under the maximum limit for the band and your license.
However...you are PERSONALLY responsible for your signal, it's spurs, harmonics and any other junk it causes.
It sounds like you have everything well researched as to how to engineer it to your needs and signal requirements.
That's why we have licenses...to show the world that we are capable of being responsible for our own designs and protecting our service.
We do not want to go down the path of type acceptance for re-purposed electronics.
Enjoy your experimenting but listen to the experienced.
Roger WA1KAT (First 145 mcs rig was a SCR-522 AND yes I did try to run a TBS)
On 3/19/2014 2:18 PM, Zach Leffke wrote:
Hello everyone, I have a question about FCC Rules regarding external amplifiers. I am considering re-purposing a wideband commercial amplifier for amateur use as a final stage for my ground station. The amplifier is capable of producing about 100W of power between 20 MHz and 500 MHz. I want to use this amp in conjunction with coax relays to switch between the 2m band and the 70cm band depending upon which spacecraft I'm operating.
My questions are as follows: Is it legal to use an amplifier designed for commercial applications in the Amateur Bands? This amplifier does not meet spurious signal suppression requirements, so I plan to use band specific filters after the amp to make sure I knock any spurs down below the required limits. Does the amplifier have to be type certified for use in the amateur bands?