After a 15+ year break from Ham Radio, the spark has returned and trying to get all set back up on the Satellites again. Lots has changed! I've downloaded HRD and a trial version of PST Rotator s/w to drive my TrakBox connected to the Yaesu rotator. Making headway with the USB/Serial connection to the TrakBox but need to update the firmware. Also I'm sure the internal Lithium battery is likely gone so will need a replacement. Any idea of sources? TAPR says they have some new EPROM's so will get that coming.
I have a USB/Serial interface board coming so I can control the Yaesu FT-736 from HRD.
Question on the Yaesu rotator controller. I don't have the rotator itself hooked up yet but wanted to make sure the control box is still working Ok. I plugged it in to the 120VAC but there's no meter lights and the EL meter goes negative so wondering if that's normal behavior if the rotator isn't actually connected to the control box? The fuse is Ok.
Mike N7ASZ