Here's the deal, I've been having good 70cm ISS reception, however I get no digipeats. I know it's busy, but in 3+ months of trying nothing..!! Rig is a IC-9100, microkeyer II, and using SatPC32ISS. A pair of very capable CP yagi's with AZ/EL tracking. Two ways I operate the 9100 is as follows. either split mode and SatPC32ISS in cat mode and doing doppler coordination, or using 3 memory channels in the 9100, one low, one center, and one high on the ISS 70cm side. (437.500, 437.550, & 437.60) and I use only 1 -20 (less)watts normally.
I suspect I have errors in my outgoing packets. Not one has been digipeated. I'm using CQ and Ariss when sending. Nothing..
I need to know what I have wrong with my settings in UISS/soundmodem. The alc is good and the soundmodem via the MKII seems to be working fine.
Need copy of a good uiss config file for me to compare my settings or take a look at what I've pasted here and tell me what I've got wrong..
Here are the current settings for UISS
;UISS v.5.4.0 [Your Call Sign] NS3L-3 [To call] CQ [Digistation] WIDE2-2 [AGWPE Radio Port] 0 [AlarmSet] 0 [Monitor Fontname] Fixedsys [Beacon Interval] 60 [TXMHeardType] 1 [Beacon] 0 [Header color] 65535 [Data color] 16776960 [Screen color] 4194304 [AlarmSet Header Text] RS0ISS* [AlarmSet Data Text] JO20AW Hello from Guy [APRS] =4041.15N/07522.30W-Steve FN20 {UISS54} [APRS Enabled] -1 [Selected Beacon] 100001 [TX data text] Software: UISS 5.4.0 JO20AW Guy 10 watt mobile, 5/8 antenna, 1m rate Hi All! UISS v5.4.0 Merry Christmas from Nazareth, Pa. FN20HQ Merry Christmas from Nazareth, Pa Hi from Steve - Nazareth, Pa - FN20 Steve in Nazareth, Pa - FN20hq Greetings.... Greetings.. [**end**] [To text] CQ APRS BEACON QST APRSAT [**end**] [Via text] ARISS RS0ISS 4XTECH WIDE2-2 PSAT [**end**] [APRS-Data] 73' Via Satellite Hello from Steve in Nazareth, Pa. FN20HQ Hello from Steve in Nazareth, Pa Hi from Steve in Nazareth, Pa Hi from Steve - Nazareth, Pa Steve - FN20hq Steve FN20 [**end**] [SavePosition] -1 [h-size] 10800 [v-size] 8340 [left-pos] 9435 [top-pos] 2865 [DataBox Forecolor] 16711680 [DataBox Backcolor] -2147483626 [TXDataDefault] Greetings.. [UISS Tag] 0 [APRS Message For] BLN EMAIL NWS SAT BLN#ECHO [**end**] [APRS Message Text] Hello... Hello All. UISS v.5.4.0 QSL and 73 via ISS Ur 5/9 in Nazareth, Pa. FN20HQ 73's Ur 59 - Nazareth, Pa. FN20HQ 73 [**end**] [BBS Commands] 0 / [MonBufferLimit] 0 [Log Digipeated Messages] 0 [Default For:] SAT [Default Message:] Ur 59 - FN20HQ 73 [Default APRS Text] Steve FN20 [Beacon File]
[Beacon File Type] 0 0 [UseAlarmSound] 0 [UTC Time Offset] 5_0 [Log Alarm To Disk] 0 [AutoDisconnect, Filters, RemoveSame] 0 0 0 [Ignore Mheard Calls] RS0ISS RS0ISS-1 RS0ISS-11 RS0ISS-3 RS0ISS-4 PCSAT PCSAT-1 WD3ADO-1 MAIL-1 ANDE-1 PSAT [UISS Server] 0 [Messagebox Alarm] 0 [IntelligentBeacon] 0* [PictureLoad] -1 [RefreshPicLoadPath] C:\UISS\uiss_bckgrnd.jpg [PicRefreshInterval] 0 [AGWPE RX Port] 6 [SlowPC] 0 [AutoBeacon] 0
[ShowPortInHeader] 0 [AutomaticLogging] 0 [ConnectionCalls] RS0ISS-11 [**end**] [TXBoxCoherentColors] -1 [ExtraInfoReports]
[MHeard_AutoClear] 0 [FixedMonitorWidth] 0 [AckInterval] 20 [DigiColor] 4227327 [FontSize] 9 [FontBold] 0 [AutodiscAllowCalls] RS0ISS PCSAT ON6MU [TXMultiLineDefault] 0 [AutoAnswer] 0 [AutoAnswerText]
[AckUIViewType] 0 [NoAckTag] 0 [FixedMonWidth] 0 [ImgViewerWidth] 0 [ImgViewerHeight] 0 [NoteBookForeColor] 0 [NoteBookBackColor] 16777215 [ConnectLog] 0 [ConnectForeColor] 16777215 [ConnectBackColor] 0 [ConnectionFont] Fixedsys [ShadowExperiment_ISO_DIGI] US_BEACON ARISS [ShadowExperiment] 0 [OptionalDigLogSSID] 0 [UserSSID] 0 [AutoDetectUTC] 1 [ShadowExpGMT] 0 [ShExpPauseTX] 60 [ShowUTCInHeader] 1 [intRunExtApp] 0 [strRunExtApp1]
[MessageColor] 51200 [MaxPacketLength] 0 [strRunExtApp2]
[AutoDigiLogBook] 1 [DateSeparator] - [CallDefinedLog] ISS [SystemTray] 0 [Filter] 0 [FilterCall]
[TypeOfModem] 1 [AutoRunModemProgram] 1 [ModemProgramPath] C:\Users\Hdskullfire2\Downloads\soundmodem95\soundmodem.exe [AutoCloseModemProgram] 1 [OtherTypeModemCaption]
[AutoPasteCallInFor] 1 [Debugset] ;winddir C:\WINDOWS\ ;apppath C:\UISS ;timeset 06:21:57 ;dateset 02-14-2017 ;session 3-209-104 ;registr -1 ;windver 6.2 Windows Vista ;agwinit LAN-Mode Port1 with SoundCard Ch: A; - ;server 1 init 0 ;module True - UISS-MapView - ;feature 1_Steve NS3L ;TxModul ;LANMode 1 ;LANIP ;LANPort 8000 ;LANSlow 0
Here are the SoundModem Settings
[Init] Priority=2 UTCTime=0 NRMonitorLines=500 PTT=COM12 DispMode=0 StopWF=0 StatLog=0 SndRXDevice=0 SndTXDevice=0 RXSampleRate=11025 TXSampleRate=11025 RX_corr_PPM=0 TX_corr_PPM=0 DisableUnit=0 TXRotate=0 DualChan=0 DualPTT=1 SCO=0 TXBufNumber=32 RXBufNumber=32 [AX25_A] Maxframe=3 Retries=15 FrackTime=5 IdleTime=180 SlotTime=100 Persist=128 RespTime=2000 TXFrmMode=1 FrameCollector=6 ExcludeCallsigns= ExcludeAPRSFrmType= KISSOptimization=0 DynamicFrack=0 BitRecovery=0 NonAX25Frm=0 MEMRecovery=200 IPOLL=80 [AX25_B] Maxframe=3 Retries=15 FrackTime=5 IdleTime=180 SlotTime=100 Persist=128 RespTime=2000 TXFrmMode=1 FrameCollector=6 ExcludeCallsigns= ExcludeAPRSFrmType= KISSOptimization=0 DynamicFrack=0 BitRecovery=0 NonAX25Frm=0 MEMRecovery=200 IPOLL=80 [Modem] RawPktMinLen=17 SwapPTTPins=0 PreEmphasisDB1=0 PreEmphasisDB2=0 PreEmphasisAll1=1 PreEmphasisAll2=1 Default1=1 Default2=1 DCDThreshold=32 HoldPnt=0 RXFreq1=1700 RXFreq2=1709 AFC=32 TxDelay1=250 TxDelay2=250 TxTail1=50 TxTail2=50 Diddles=0 NRRcvrPairs1=0 NRRcvrPairs2=0 RcvrShift1=30 RcvrShift2=30 ModemType1=1 ModemType2=0 [AGWHost] Server=1 Port=8000 [KISS] Server=0 Port=8100 [Window] Top=29 Left=759 Height=718 Width=604 Waterfall1=1 Waterfall2=0 StatTable=1 Monitor=1
Any help would be appreciated. I'm nowhere closer now that when I began after loading the programs..
Steve NS3L