On Wednesday 30 January 2008 10:01, Tony Langdon wrote:
At 09:11 AM 1/30/2008, Geoff wrote:
Many many moons ago there was a piece of software that would take the logs from a PACSAT bbs and a set of orbital elements and generate a usage map. Perhaps this could be useful when it comes to plotting high usage areas. I realize that the current thread refers to ISS and the voice birds but the result could be indicative?
I se a potentially fatal assumption here - that the same proportion of users in all areas use the packet and FM birds. I am one that would screw up that assumption. I don't do the pacsats, and I'm not likely to. :) Too many like me, or too many pacsat only users and the results are skewed. In fact, it might be useful to have separate digital and voice maps.
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com
Good Point Tony, How about taking the usage log AND a "WOD" plot of satellite S-meter readings and doing AND/OR/NOT comparisons and plotting the results? I can't as I go back to work Monday with an airshow coming up on 24Feb08 (besides my code cutting skills are rudimentary at best).
73 de Geoff vk2tfg.