The VUCC Standings for October 2017 are improving in terms of callsigns that have gone missing. AI6GS K7TAB N1AIA and AK4WQ(EN34) are back on the list. This month I am listing the previous months totals along with this months totals for the ones that have changed. If you don't agree with what is on the November 1st listing, please contact the ARRL DXCC desk and make that known.
Call 10/2/17 11/1/17 KO4MA 1562 1598 KB1RVT 1550 1554 AC0RA 1142 1194 WC7V 1101 1157 N8RO 1010 1020 AA5PK 875 996 K8TL 973 982 NP4JV 552 680 K6FW 606 661 N9IP 502 542 NJ4Y 502 516 W4FS 482 488 K5ND 351 391 WD9EWK 375 384 N9EAT 135 336 AI6GS 290 N1AIA 257 W7QL 211 252 K7TAB 186 W4DTA 151 180 VA3NNA 102 176 K0FFY 173 NEW VUCC KX9X 159 172 AK4WQ(EN34) 158 K9EI 118 NEW VUCC K4RGK 100 108 KE9AJ 106 NEW VUCC G0ABI 105 NEW VUCC KE4AL 100 NEW VUCC
Congratulations to everyone who made the list this month.
This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for October 2nd and November 1st, 2017. It's a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!
73, John K8YSE
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