Hello Ramon!
I have around 74 countries worked from FK78 (puerto rico) via AO-13 and other modes but that stopped in 1998 when i moved to florida. I recently installed a remote control station in Ponce PR which is in FK68. I will be able to work 6 meters and some LEO. Ponce is around 50 miles southwest of my old QTH. Am i zero for VUCC as well?
If your new FK68 QTH is 50 miles from your FK78 location, you don't have to start over with a new VUCC. You would be within the 200km/124.2-mile limit in the VUCC rules for satellite or 6m through 1.2 GHz. You could add to whatever you had from FK78. That distance - 50 miles - is the limit for the WAS awards, and you can work from anywhere in Puerto Rico for DXCC.
Hope to hear you on the satellites. 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/