Why aren't you? I have not heard your signal on a single linear satellite, including VU.
The technology BUILT and currently undergoing testing in ARISSat 1 will provide real tangible benefit for linear transponders (and nonlinear) in the VHF/UHF range for all sorts of missions. But you sling mud at ARISSat without knowing what it actually IS don't you?
Bill Ress, N6GHZ, presented his linear transponder work at the forum. It is really nice work. When we get done with high level HELAPS on it, it will be a very very nice linear transponder indeed, built on late model really nice, naturally hard devices. The efficiency and more are better than achieved by RAH or the other transponder builders for VU. But that is to be expected. We have had the advantage of time and the demand for better RF parts for all sorts of markets producing them.
Bob N4HY
Rocky Jones wrote:
I am just trying to figure out why AMSAT NA is not taking advantage of work already done.
Robert WB5MZO