Hello all.
I was on one of the early apsses of FO-29 this morning and was having a QSO with another ham about which frequency to tune for doppler. Both of us went LOS without comming to a mutual agreement on this.
This question has been asked before, I'm sure, but I thought that I would ask it again.
My thinking, and the way that i have set things up is that I have SatPC32 tunining the higher frequency doppler only. I don't tune the lower frequency at all. In the case of FO-29, I only tune the downlink freq (UHF. I do leave the TX freq alone. Is this correct?
SatPC32 seems to do a great job tuning along with most stations but my question to the group is that when you are on a satellite such as VO-52 which has the pair reversed, do you continue to tune the higher frequency (uplink) or do you tune the lower frequency (downlink).
What is the preferred decorum?
Also, for those SatPC32 users....
When you set the program up to tune either the uplink or the downlink doppler, is this a global setting that applies to all of the satellites that you have in your list or are the settings unique for each bird?
Thanks, Peter VA3PK