Ok, I admit it. I am really hedging on completing my LoTW set-up and loading QSO's. It just seems like a very unforgiving system -- no ability to correct. I read the N5JB tutorial multiple times; I want to do this right, out of the gate.
Again, for the "rovers" and portable ops -- best way to configure myself? Should I have locations for each grid that I work from? If I would like a /M or /QRP endorsement for some of the HF awards, should I have a separate "location" for that, too?
W1PA_FN42 (home) W1PA_FN44 W1PA_FN13 etc.
What's the best way to set up locations if I work from many different locations? I see references in the VHF and UHF groups not to do this (deleting the /R) -- how should I do this?
Bill W1PA