Hello all; for information here in south west Europe we use 2320,100 to 2320,300 cw/ssb portion of 13cm band for tropospheric , AS , RS, traffic. I have been told by Piero I5CTE there is permanent continuous carrier beacon around 2320.190 MHz (+/- doppler) by 1 of the 3 Sirius elliptic NA satellites. It appears reception is very good here with small 10 turn helix antenna (in spite of 12m heliax coax) peaking 539. Apogee (50000km ) around 325° with 27° elevation. F5BOF reports same signal with small hand held 25 elements f9ft yagi. So these are for us very interesting beacons. Depending hours we can receive 1 o 2 sats. Real time positions (Sirius-1 / Sirius-2 / Sirius-3) here: http://www.n2yo.com/satellites/?c=33 Any info about beacon sat polarisation and eirp ?
73 de Michel F6HTJ Amsat #7409