TAPR Announces DCC (Digital Communication Conference) Technical & Introductory Sessions Schedule, Banquet Speaker/Topic and Sunday Seminar Speaker/Topic
ARRL/TAPR DCC, Atlanta, September 21 - 23 www.tapr.org/dcc
Sheraton Gateway Hotel Atlanta Airport 1900 Sullivan Road Atlanta, GA 30337
Technical / Introductory Sessions Schedule http://www.tapr.org/pdf/DCC_2012_Schedule.pdf
Technical Sessions Friday - Saturday Introductory Sessions Saturday
Saturday Night Banquet Speaker & Topic http://www.tapr.org/dcc#banquet
DCC Saturday Night Banquet Speaker will be Bdale Garbee, KB0G talking about the "Sharing the Joy of Making"
Sunday Morning Seminar Speaker & Topic http://www.tapr.org/dcc#seminar
DCC Sunday Morning Seminar will be a hands-on tutorial using Gnuradio to design and implement software defined radios on your laptop presented by Tom Rondeau, KB3UKZ, the leader of the Gnuradio project.