I'm wondering if there is some other criteria besides UHF (I presume in the 430-440 MHz band) and 100-200 watts out and linear operation? Because there are many amps that meet those criteria.
If you want brand new, you can find them from Mirage (not my first choice, our repeater club and some of its members have had bad luck with workmanship and keeping them operating), TE Systems (I've heard plenty of positive feedback from folks with the exception of dealing with the company for repairs), and some others.
In the used market, I have had excellent results with RF Concepts bricks on 144, 222, and 432. If you find one on the used market, it will probably be quite satisfactory for you (I don't believe they ever made a unit that produced more than 100 watts out). Teletec amps seem to be quite rare on the used market, but that's probably because most folks that have them don't want to let go of them.
73 de W0JT EL09ro October - May EN34js May - September
On Nov 15 2012, Kevin Muenzler, WB5RUE wrote:
Good morning all and 73/
I know this is a bit off topic (maybe way off topic) but I'm sure that many of you regularly use UHF. I have been looking for a source of a UHF LINEAR amplifier but they seem to be extremely difficult to find. I can find repeater amps and ATV amps (FM) but haven't been able to find any that specify that they are linear. I'm not looking for legal limit just 100-200watts. Any help would be appreciated.
Kevin, WB5RUE Grid-EL09vf Eagle Creek Observatory http://www.eaglecreekobservatory.org I'd be unstoppable if it weren't for law enforcement and physics
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