Hi Tom,
You asked:
Does anyone know what time events will start on Friday, October 8th?
The 2010 Symposium Committee is at work regarding the details of The schedule. The details depend on the topics and quantity of the presentations still being worked on by the authors.
We will generally follow the timing framework of previous year's Symposiums which can be summarized as:
Thursday, October 7 AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting
Morning Friday, October 8 Symposium Registration Opens AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting continues Lunch
Friday, October 8 (1300) Registration continues Symposium Opening Remarks and Introductions First Round of Presentations until ~1700
Saturday, October 9 Registration continues Second Round of Presentations (0800 - 1000) AMSAT General Membership Meeting (1000 - 1200) Lunch Third Round of Presentations (1300 - 1700) Break Attitude Adjustment with Cash Bar and Gathering (~1800) AMSAT Annual Banquet and Speaker (~1900) Door Prize Drawing (~2100)
Sunday, October 10 Area Coordinators Field Ops Breakfast Fourth Round of Presentations (0800 - 1000) Symposium Closing Remarks Tour of FermiLab Tevatron (1200 - 1500 approx.)
The times listed are US Central Daylight Time (UTC - 5).
AMSAT's 2010 Symposium Committee looks forward to welcoming everyone to Chicago this October!
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT News Service Copy Editor, AMSAT Journal 2010 Symposium Proceedings Editor