Hi all, I recently had a hard drive crash in my laptop and have been in the process of re-installing everything. I thought I had re-installed SDR-RADIO V2 RTL-USB (I used the 20130209 version) for 64 bit correctly but when I go to run SDRConsole (V2) I get the following error message: SDRConsole.exe - Ordinal Not Found The ordinal 14056 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\SDR-RADIO-PRO.com\SDRConsole.exe. The program used to run just fine until I had to rebuild everything. Does anyone know what the fix might be? I am running Windows 10 Pro with an Intel i5-4210U CPU 1,70GHz 2.40GHz, 64 bit, with 8GB of RAM installed. I am wondering if I am missing something that didn't get installed when the new Windows was installed on the laptop. I was able to get HDSDR and SDRSharp to install and both work just fine. Thanks for the help. 73, Charlie Sufana AJ9N