Just completed presenting my satellite show to the Sandton Amateur Radio Club 
in South Africa - via Zoom. And what a marvelous group they are!

Keith ZS6HI was my contact. Great questions throughout from the Zoom audience. 
From Keith:

"Thank you very much Clint and Karen. Wonderful presentation. You did a lot 

of research and preparation to put a South African spin on the presentation and 

spent effort on learning about the SARL, Sandton Club and South African 

Amateur Radio community beforehand."

SARL is South Africa's ARRL. And there is an active AMSAT Chapter

there, too!


That was Presentation Number 175 … more are scheduled! Think a lively, 

informative, and fun presentation on working the “easy” satellites with minimal 
equipment would be appropriate for your club or convention? 

Clint Bradford K6LCS
AMSAT Ambassador
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator, benefactor
909-999-SATS (909-999-7287)