Hi all,
I've met today with Jens, DL7VTX. On his holidays tour around the islands he came to stop by São Miguel (CU2) when I live. We've gone to a somewhat clear space where he worked a few European contacts on SO-50, followed by a nice conversation about our hobby. Given the warning time to meet I was unable to carry my equipment, so left that pass entirely to him. If you'd like to try a QSO with him, he'll be only on SO-50 until the 26th in HM77. Here's a picture of both of us after those QSOs: http://plus2.dutrasousa.name/CT8DL7VTX_CU2ZG_23DEC15.JPG
On second news I'll be active on the 25th and probably on the 26th, on SO-50 in HM58. My last minute decision to do it left me with far from ideal conditions to work that satellite, but still doable. Passes will be both towards Europe and Americas, so look for CU2ZG/P.
73 and Merry Christmas to all! Pedro CU2ZG
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