I fully agree with you that all satellites on HAM satellites should be coordinated to avoid interference to other birds and ensure also that the frequency is clean but also that it as some benefit for the community. The IARU Coordination Committee is very efficient and provide also advices and very helpful (personal experience for MO-112).
However, its is difficult to enforce as ITU does not coordinate in the HAM bands, the local regulator in any country may give the OK for frequency use for satellites in the HAM band without caring about possible interference. I guess the best solution to avoid encroachment on our bands is that all HAM associations in all countries do police the use of HAM frequencies and do representation that the IARU coordination is a must in this case the Russian Amateur Radio Union should have voiced their stand to the local regulator, more ensure that the HAM community is benefiting also.
My one cent input.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Jul 22, 2022, at 7:00 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF [email protected] wrote:
Fortunately they we thrown out of the ISS so won't stay up there long.
On 22/07/2022 10:18 EDT Zach Metzinger [email protected] wrote: Sadly, I'm forced to agree with you, Jim. These satellites should not have been coordinated within the amateur spectrum.
We don't need more transmit-only boxes in orbit, at least in our allocation. We especially don't need commercial interests (even if they hide under the guise of "University") utilizing it.
Only amateur two-way satellites (analog or digital/packet) should be granted coordination. Then they are useful to the amateur radio community.
--- Zach N0ZGO
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