Hello all Here ft857 and 19elmnts no preamp or other things. I m on the garden frozen but smilling !! How fun radio ham is ! Recording all qso if backup of log is needed :-)
Envoyé de mon téléphone.
Le 18 avr. 2010 à 21:37, "David Barber" <[email protected] k> a écrit :
OK, I know nobody is going to believe this but....on my life...
I have been outside with an FT-817 connected via a very short piece of coax to a Diamond A430S10R (small 10 element beam modified for handheld use) and headphones and KP4AO was just audible on SSB.
Signals were inconsistent but solid enough to copy their callsign and CQ calls around 19.00UTC and the odd information exchange thereafter.
Now they've switched to CW copy is a good 80%.
No signal strength showing on S-Meter of course but who cares.
I would never have believed it had I not heard it with my own ears.
Note: NO preamp was used.
David G8OQW JO01FR
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