Hi to all
Just for the record about the AMSAT-NA "HEO" goals in 2003 VS borg cubes!!! and the military involvement.
Just note there is numerous mention of an individual named Hambly, Richard M probably a coincidence for the AMSAT-NA military ties? Its interesting to know where the AMSAT-NA membership funds are redirected...
A question to Mr Hambly did AMSAT-NA has separate accounts for their joigned military launch ventures? Is AMSAT-NA has ever make more than a financial contribution to a military program or could be they disguised theses contribution In IN KIND services?
A bit of clarity will enlighten all the international AMSAT-NA members and contributors
Proceedings of the AMSAT-NA 21st Space Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, October 17- 19, 2003.
A Proposed Microsat Open Experimental Platform for Amateur Space Communications Research
Making Proposed SCR-OEP Fly The proposed SCR-OEP concept is currently just that, a concept. Translating this concept in to a real, on-orbit, experimental platform is a major undertaking. The following small, first steps will provide a solid foundation for a highly successful SCR-OEP project. o Review and discussion within the amateur satellite and amateur radio communities will help refine and strengthen the SCR-OEP concept. o Evaluation, feedback, and particularly formal support by the AMSAT Board of Directors will considerably improve the likelihood of its success. o Creation of one or more research proposals will potentially help obtain funding and even a government-sponsored launch. o Further investigation of the use of amateur spectrum by licensed radio amateurs supported indirectly by Federal funds or government-sponsored launches will help ensure that this project operates consistent with international and national radio regulations. The SCR-OEP concept proposed here, combined with a tremendous amount of hard work and not a small amount of luck, could offer a means to attract new participants to the amateur satellite community and support the construction and launch of additional amateur satellites.
Potential Benefits for Amateur Satellites Attracting and inspiring the next generation, developing new amateur satellite technologies, and expanding sources of support for amateur satellites are just a few of the benefits that will result from a successful SCR-OEP project.
Government-Sponsored Launch Opportunities The Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program (STP)24 "provides spaceflight for qualified DOD sponsored experiments at no charge to the experimenter, via the DOD Space Experiments Review Board" (SERB)23. The SERB evaluates the "military relevance and technical merit" of the proposed experiments. The SERB Web site states that "DOD experiments normally originate in the Service (Army, Air Force, Navy, NASA) laboratories or research institutions (colleges, universities, think tanks, etc.) but are in no way limited to these institutions." Clearly, competition for free space launches is very intense. Nonetheless, the Naval Postgraduate School and the Air Force Academy have successfully used this process to launch their student satellites25. Certainly, the hurdles are very high and the competition is very fierce, but the potential rewards are so great that the amateur satellite community would be remiss if it didn't aggressively pursue this opportunity SCR-OEP and Amateur Spectrum The SCR-OEP will use amateur satellite spectrum and its operation will be consistent with the international and national regulations governing amateur radio and amateur satellites. Radio amateurs will be the primary users and beneficiaries of the SCR-OEP project. Many of the investigators will be licensed radio amateurs, as will be all of the satellite ground station operators. The SCR-OEP experimental platform is expected to be hosted by and help support an amateur satellite and the technologies developed by this project are likely to benefit future amateur satellites.
References excerpt
5. Hambly, Richard M. "AMSAT OSCAR E: A New LEO Satellite from AMSAT-NA". The AMSAT Journal 25:3 (May/June 2002) 5-11. 6. Hambly, Richard M. "AMSAT OSCAR-E Project Status Update: A New LEO Satellite from AMSAT-NA". The AMSAT Journal 25:6 (November/December 2002) 14-17. 7. Hambly, Richard M. "AMSAT OSCAR-E Project: Summer 2003 Status Report". The AMSAT Journal 26:4 (July/August 2003) 11-14. 23. U.S. Department of Defense, DoD Space Experiments Review Board (SERB) Home Page. http://www.safus.hq.af.mil/usa/usal/serb/index.htm. 24. U.S. Department of Defense, Space Test Program (STP) Home page. http://www.smcdet12.plk.af.mil/stp/stp.html. 25. White, Jim. "Re: Re: ICBM Conversion for Civilian Launch". E-mail to AMSAT- BB. August 12, 2003. http://www.amsat.org/amsat/archive/amsat- bb/200308/msg00351.html.
I know we are accustomed to lies up to the higher ranks! We should not be surprised that some of the AMSAT-NA BOD officers are taking their inspiration at a so good source!!!
Just for the record naturally...here is the link
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE
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