Mike, my SNR values are not very representative of what someone might see because I have partial tree cover in that direction.
But generally speaking, my SNR's have been as follows:
patch antenna: 2's with an occasional 3
TP-link 2.4GHz wi-fi dish: 6 to 8
1m dish w/ helical feed: 11 to 12
I'm using the Outernet LNA as well. FYI, my signal improved dramatically when I switched from the Outernet dongle to a metal-case rtl-sdr.com TXCO dongle (please note that the bias-T will have to be enabled if you try one of those).
-Scott, K4KDR
-----Original Message----- From: Mike Hoblinski Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:35 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Outernet L-Band Service
I purchased the setup from Amazon and used the Raspberry Pi 3 board. Its only been running for about a day and its downloaded some of the WX info, APRS Lists, Pics, News. and Wiki lists. I am looking for a more suitable enclosure for outdoors.
Its setup on a shelf about a foot in front of the window with Vertical plastic blinds closed and plastic window screen on the outside and it manages to get enough of a signal to download the packets.
I do see a problem once my computer and monitor are powered up and possibly with the TV as well. I am powering it from the Raspberry PI wall wart for now but after a few days I want to try out my portable power pack and outdoor locations.
The patch antenna is mounted on a plastic sheet with the L-Band Amp, SDR dongle, and Pi-3 on the other side. I have a tablet stand from the 99 cent store to tilt and aim the board for now.
I was wondering what other users are seeing signal wise from their setup. Mine shows a SNR of only 2.8 and signal quality of around 3 to 4 on their setup screen but appears to do the job.