I'm looking at buying a pair of Piexx computer interface boards to put in Icom 271 and 471 radios.
I'm going to want to control these radios with the WiSP DDE client(I think, suggest another if there's a better one). It does not have an "Icom 751" option on the radio dropdown box, which is normally what one would use with this board. However, it does have a field to manually input the address. Here's my question.
Can I select "Icom 275" or any other similar type of radio in the WiSP DDE box and then set the address manually, to my radios' addresses? From what I understand, the only radio-specific information in a CI-V command is the address value, and since I'll be sending legal frequencies to these radios, I'm thinking this will work...but want to make sure before I spend $300 on interfaces. The PIexx interfaces appear to be standard CI-V interface devices, usually set up to be addressed at $20 for 271's and $22 for 471's.
73, Matt